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    How does it work and why should garages consider it?


HHO technology is one of the most innovative and effective ways to clean car engines in the best and most sustainable way. It is increasingly used in garages around the world and brings many advantages that garages should consider. But how exactly does HHO technology work and why should garages add it to their portfolio?

HHO technology, also known as hydrogen gas generator technology, works by producing HHO gas (a mixture of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule) through the electrolysis of water. This gas is then directly injected into the combustion chamber of the engine, where it reacts with the fuel and results in cleaner combustion. This not only reduces CO2 emissions, but also improves engine efficiency and performance, which can lead to longer life and fewer maintenance problems.

5 main reasons why garages should consider investing in HHO technology:


Effective decarbonization:

With HHO technology, garages can effectively remove accumulated carbon inside engines. This is not only cost-effective, but can also extend the life of engines and improve their performance.

Reduction of emissions:

HHO technology can significantly reduce CO2 emissions from engines. This is not only good for the environment, but can also help garages meet stricter environmental standards and regulations.

Customer satisfaction:

Nowadays, it is very important that car repair shops offer services that are ecological and sustainable. HHO technology is one way to achieve this.

Quick financial return on investment:

Our HHO decarbonization devices are highly autonomous machines and apart from the initial one-time investment when purchasing them, the operating costs are minimal, one can say almost zero. Apart from the consumption of electric current and refilling of distilled water, the device does not need any other investments for operation. Therefore, as far as the financial return for the operator of this service is concerned, it is one of the most effective and reasonable investments in this segment.

Effective decarbonization:

The HHO decarbonization process is simple, fast and without the need to interfere in any way with the engine or disassemble any of its components. Therefore, unlike other decarbonization methods (which, by the way, are time- and financially demanding to operate), such as chemical decarbonization, manual disassembly and cleaning, or others, it can be operated without the need for an extended trade and the need for any special equipment or tools.

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