Fill up with water and drive 40% cheaper

  • How HHO system works in a car

    By converting water into hydrogen and oxygen and combining the mixture of gases with regular fuel, our hydrogen generators improve the fuel utilization of your engine.

Regular combustion engine works on principle of increasing volume (expansion) of gas during the combustion (burning of fuel). To put it simply, inside normal combustion engine the fast up and down movement of the pistons generates energy for the motion of the automobile. As the piston is lowered it creates vacuum which sucks in the fuel along with air from the intake valve. When the piston is on its way up it presses the mixture of fuel and air creating so called compression.

In a gasoline engine at this stage at the right moment this mixture gets ignited by the spark plug, in a diesel engine this is caused by the pressure. (Diesel engines have higher compression pressure, because they must ignite the fuel by actually compressing it). Anyhow, most engines will not ignite the mixture effectively, therefore the fuel inside the cylinders will not burn thoroughly. This inefficiency leads to increased consumption and creates pollutants.

When gaseous hydrogen (HHO) mixes with fossil fuel (introduced into the engine through direct suction line) its properties (faster burn rate, higher octane level) cause the fuel inside the cylinders to ignite faster and burn more effectively, without emissions. This process adds more energy to the engine leading to longer running engine on the same volume of burned fuel as without the use of HHO (increased range of the automobile in the same volume of fuel therefore lowering consumption).

For more detailed introduction on issues around and functionality of HHO systems please do not forget to visit the section How does it works in our menu. For answers to the most important and interesting questions about this topic visit the section FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
By converting water into hydrogen and oxygen and adding this gas mixture into normal fuel, our hydrogen generators improve the use of fuel by your engine. This leads to more economical operation and savings of the used fossil fuel in the range of 10 ‐ 30 and in some cases up to 40%.

Advantage of the HHO systems, apart from their high efficiency and (compared to LPG or CNG) their significantly higher safety (HHO gas is not stored in pressurized containers), is without a doubt their quick and easy installation and maintenance. Another very important advantage is their incomparably (many times) lower price.

Another big advantage of HHO systems is also the fact that they are highly customizable (configured exactly to customer's specifications or based on the engine type). They are also convertible so they can be disassembled and (if desired) moved to another vehicle without any problems or interference to the engine.

Our HHO systems can also be used with any combustion or compression ignition engine in any type of vehicle: a car (including diesel engines), trucks, tractors, boats or stationary engines such as generators or irrigation pumps.

We are offering a number of HHO generators and HHO sets, split into categories according to their size and power output from weaker, meant for cars with smaller engines, to stronger with high production of hydrogen (HHO gas), meant for large transport trucks , towers and large capacity generators.

In sections HHO accessories and HHO parts you can find wide range of accessories for our products and a number of replacement parts and components for your HHO system.
In section Operation and maintenance you will find advice of how to choose a suitable HHO system, its accessories and detailed information and guide regarding its use and maintenance, set up, or information about the system itself and its electrical connections.

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