Fill up with water and drive 40% cheaper

  • HHO Generators – their origin, history and function

    How to save fuel in cars? This question has been asked by people ever since cars have used expensive gas or diesel.

The idea behind alternative fuel is therefore not new at all and in present time, when the prices of crude oil products are rapidly increasing, is simply urgent. Among other alternatives (electric cars, solar mobiles or even LPG, CNG and others) it appears that one of the most effective and least expensive options will be using water.

Electric cars mainly, but other alternative fuel options as well, are not seen on today’s roads as out of Utopia, but are actually manufactured, even though still in much smaller numbers than regular cars running on fossil fuel. Their economic disadvantages as well (very high purchase price, low efficiency – short range, long charging) are causing their present unattainability for the everyday driver.

But there is a system that makes it possible to lower the consumption of fuel in automobiles for a very low price. Simply use normal fuel with the addition of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen generated through electrolysis. Gaseous hydrogen produced this way is then redirected into the combustion engine via suction tubing where it will mix with the usual fuel (gasoline, diesel, LPG, CNG) and ignite together. This allows for incomparably higher efficiency of burning of the used fossil fuel causing strikingly lower consumption and the amount of emissions released by the exhaust. This system is called HHO and it has been known around the world for years. It is easy to use, maintain and can be installed without the need for a car mechanic.

The first steps in the use of HHO technology

Its first successful use goes back in history. But one of the first recorded tryouts of HHO by everyday drivers goes back to the USA from before the 1950s. At that time only individuals and home mechanics created units which split water by electrolysis into oxygen and 2 hydrogens (first patented hydrogen generators go back to the 1920s). The gas created in these generators is called HHO which is where the name of this system comes from.

At the beginning these devices were only somewhat effective and the fuel savings were negligible, but during the crude oil crisis people that were using these devices started to communicate with each other via internet and shared improvement tips on how to increase their effectiveness.

The 20th century opened the door with the HHO system

Only during the last years of the 20th century did various firms start to manufacture and test HHO generators on serious and professional basis.

First big customers of these firms were, of course, big transport companies which did profit the most by saving fuel. Their good experiences led to higher demand, increased production ultimately driving the costs down. Thanks to all of this, the device became more affordable for individual car owners and today, really, for all of us. (Today the prices of these HHO systems are many times lower than conversion into LPG, CNG and so on)

Today, it is long possible to very cheaply and with one’s own hands, essentially in one’s own garage, convert a car into partial hybrid thanks to these HHO systems.

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Introduction to HHO technology

Prestaňte míňať toľko peňazí na pohonné hmoty a začnite jazdiť s HHO. Ako to vlastne funguje?
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HHO milestones

Here is the summary of important milestones, studies and achieved successes in the area of hydrogen powered engines, starting with year 1766 continuing all the way to the present.
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How to save fuel in cars? People have been asking this question ever since engines used expensive gasoline or diesel.
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HHO and its wide application apart from combustion engines

HHO systems can be used, apart from their use in combustion engines, in a number of other energy saving applications ...
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How HHO system works in a car

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What happens in the car while using HHO system

Using the HHO system in a car brings a whole range of benefits.
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What is an HHO system and how does it work?

Stop spending so much money on fuel and start driving with HHO. How does it actually work?
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