Double level control system deluxe

39,00 € without VAT

47,97  with VAT

 s DPH

A system designed to double check the level of the electrolyte in the reservoir. Both light indicators are already located in the control box. The first indicator light will warn of an approaching critically low electrolyte level. The second light indication, when this critical level in the electrolyte tank is exceeded, will cause the lower level gauge connected through the control box to send an electrical pulse to stop gas production by the HHO generator.



Dvojitý systém kontroly hladiny deluxe obsahuje:

  • 2x Hladinomer
  • 1x Relé spínač – 30A/12V
  • 1x riadiaca krabička s dvoma svetelnými indikátormi,
  • kabeláž na elektrické prepojenie, káblové konektory a schému na zapojenie celého systému.

Možnosti zapojenia dvojitého systému kontroly hladiny deluxe:

Tento systém, v prípade, že k nemu nie je zaradený systém automatického dopĺňania hladiny, je možné nakonfigurovať na signalizovanie nízkej hladiny elektrolytu v nádržke tak, že sa prvý svetelný indikátor po dosiahnutí nízkej hladiny elektrolytu rozsvieti len informačne, no celý HHO systém beží ďalej. Keď však hladina elektrolytu v nádržke dosiahne kritickú úroveň, rozsvieti sa aj druhý svetelný indikátor a celý HHO systém sa automaticky vypne.

Aby celý systém fungoval čo najoptimálnejšie, doporučujeme umiestniť horný hladinomer v nádržke len mierne vyššie ako spodný hladinomer, ktorý je umiestnený čo možno najnižšie. Je to to z dôvodu, aby nebol HHO systém zbytočne automaticky odpájaný už pri miernom poklese hladiny elektrolytu v nádržke, avšak predošlá svetelná signalizácia klesajúcej hladiny neupozorňovala na tento stav už príliš skoro.



The deluxe dual level control system includes:

  • 2x Level Gauge
  • 1x Relay switch – 30A/12V
  • 1x control box with two light indicators,
  • wiring harness for electrical connection, cable connectors and wiring diagram for the entire system.

Wiring options for the deluxe dual level control system:

This system, in case an automatic level top-up system is not included, can be configured to indicate a low electrolyte level in the tank so that the first light indicator illuminates for information only when the electrolyte level is low, but the entire HHO system continues to run. However, when the electrolyte level in the tank reaches a critical level, the second light indicator also illuminates and the entire HHO system automatically shuts down.

In order to make the whole system work as optimally as possible, it is recommended to place the upper level gauge in the tank only slightly higher than the lower level gauge, which is placed as low as possible. This is so that the HHO system is not unnecessarily automatically disconnected when the electrolyte level in the tank has already dropped slightly, but the previous light signaling of the dropping level did not warn of this condition too soon.



Additional information

Weight0,28 kg

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